As I look back at all these pictures I am can't help but smile. It's been a long year with many ups and downs. Some days I didn't think I could go on, but somehow by the grace of God and lots of prayers he pulled me through. Since it is the Thanksgiving season I did take a look back at the year and though we are missing our sweet Ellie Catherine, as I always will, I have much to be thankful. Parents and in-laws, sisters, bros-in-laws, nieces, and nephews all in good health and warm happy homes. A husband that works so hard for our family and honestly never complains. Those early morning alarms that go off at 5 and days he doesn't get home until 8pm. He just does it. Jonah, I'm so thankful for my sweet Jonah. Oh that boy gives me such great joy. There are days that are trying, days of frustration, days he won't eat. But I love every minute of every day I get to spend at home with him. He is such a blessing. A healthy pregnancy. So far things have looked good on ultrasound and baby seems to be growing strong. I continue to pray for a healthy baby and that everything will continue to go well. And I am so thankful for my Lord and Savior. I don't know where I would be today without Him. He has stood by me through some of my darkest days and has pulled me out of the pit of sadness and has shown me that he cares. I am thankful that he was born in a manger, lived on this very earth, took all my sin and ugliness, and lives today. Because of him there is much to be thankful and look forward to. The birth of our third child, our big move, a new town, seeing my Ellie again. I can finally see through the clouds and look ahead with joy and a smile on my face. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

So exhausted on our way back from Montana. One thing I will not miss is all the flying we have done. I used to love flying, but now that I kids its just gives me great anxiety. Jonah did great and Tim is always a huge help so the trip went pretty good. This was after a two hour time change and then day light savings! We were getting up at 4 am all week. Oh the joys of toddlers:)
Cold Montana weather!
Jonah loved getting the eggs with Papa. He could hardly wait to Papa to get home and head outside. This is one thing I'm looking forward to when we move back, fresh eggs, can't wait. I think between me being pregnant and wanting eggs every morning for breakfast, and my husband just loving breakfast in general we ate all of the eggs they had, like three dozen! Sorry Joe and Chris!
Holding cousin Grant for the first time, and a very quick and blurry picture with Papa and Muzzie. They were able to come up for a couple of days along with Julie, Jenny, and their boys. It was so nice to have them.
Just enjoying a nice movie, warm fire, and time with Mimi!
Loving these days with my baby! He is not really my baby anymore, almost 28 months. I can't believe it. I just love the things we are doing now and the excitement about life he has. Love you Jonah!