We timed our visit for Montana just right for bountiful Huckleberry picking. And to make it even better the bushes were in the front yard so we just headed out one afternoon with buckets in hand and picked to hearts content. Picking any sort of berry on a bush is fun. You look around and see berries everywhere and don't know where to start, then once you start picking you say after a bucket full you will be done, but are lured in because well there are just a few more ripe ones to pick. Then before you know it you have 5 bucket loads and are deep into the tightest spot reaching for that last berry that is so close but not close enough. So you pull the limb down and pull all the berries off you can and then there is just that last one. Anyone know what I am talking about? Anyway picking berries is addicting and so much fun. Joe was totally into and won the award for the most berries picked, Tim lost interest real fast, I was too busy taking pictures, and Chris was running around chasing Jonah so he did not dump or smash all the berries. It was quit the site and so much fun!

Just one more picture on the river. Take it in, now you all have to come visit. We will keep you busy!
Our little helper! He did pick a few berries but then grew tired of that quickly.
So plump, purple, and ripe!!
Take 1
Take 2
Take 3 we got it!
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