We were able to to spend our last Christmas in North Carolina with Kurt, Laura, and family. We have spent three of of our five Christmas' here with the Mosleys', other two we went home and went to Georgia to see Tim's side of the family. So we carried on the Jardee family tradition and the Mosleys' came over to exchange gifts and make homemade pizza! My friend Julie came over with her two little ones because her husband was on call at the hospital and her family lives out of town. Thankfully Tim had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off so there was not rushing, waiting, or early mornings. It was so special to have him around since this was the first Christmas the Jonah really understood what was going on. We had two late nights of good food and fun games. It was so nice to spend both days with family and enjoy our last North Carolina Christmas together. I did get some quick pictures Christmas Eve but we didn't get any on Christmas Day. I am so disappointed because it was such a joy to see Jonah really enjoy Christmas, that is why we didn't get any good pictures, we were enjoying him open presents and take it all in. Oh well I will definitely be better next year!!

Some of my favorite little guys reading together upstairs!!
Making pizza dough with Dad!
Hannah loved holding sweet Abigail. That girl is going to be a good little mom someday!
Christmas Eve 2013.
Impossible to get everyone looking at the same time. But hey we captured the moment!!
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