Oh my where have I been? Well lets just say it's been a crazy two months with lots and lots of things going on. Some not so good, but for the most part exciting and fun things. February was a month of visits from family, with lots of sickness and stress, and Tim was on the worse rotation yet, but we managed to get through it all. And March was a month of busy work again, house on the market and sold in 14 days, and cold rainy weather. But things are looking up and we have so much going on and so much to look forward to. Our wonderful family photographer, Casey Rose, http://www.caseyrosephotography.com/, needed a pregnant model and so she asked me if I would be willing to do it. At first I wasn't really excited because one, I gain a lot of weight when I'm pregnant, and two I didn't do it with the first two pregnancies so I thought it would be weird. But this time around I have worked out consistently, watched what I ate, and lo and behold I have not gained much weight, interesting how that works!!:) So I said yes, and I am so glad I did. I couldn't be happier with how this pictures turned out and couldn't feel any better and energetic than I do with this pregnancy. So here are some pictures we took the end of February.

So here are few of my favorites. She took quit and few but I will spare you all of them. She wanted to go with a white or cream lacy dress with a very natural look. I wasn't super excited about white or lace but knew that she had something in mind and it always look good so I went with it. And I am so glad I trusted her instinct. I think they turned out amazing and love each one!
It was really weird posing for this picture, but so fun seeing it now!
And was little afraid of the big fluffy hat, but once again, it turned out pretty good!
And then this picture I think makes me belly look really small. It's interesting how different outfits and really change the look!
Well thats a few of them. I can't believe we will be meeting this sweet thing in 5 weeks! Pretty darn excited:)