My grandmother from Texas has been wanting to get out for a visit so she talked to mom to figure out some dates to come out. It just so happened that my friends Katie and Julie offered to throw me a little baby shower for Baby #2 so I thought how fun it would be to have my mom, grandmother, Laura, and my sister from Montana (who decided to come visit as well) at my shower. We got the dates all figured out and decided March 1st would be a great time to have it. I was also hoping for some really nice weather for my mom and sister since they both live in Montana! Well plans we make are not always the way things are going to happen. The day my family was suppose to get into town my sister Laura called me with some very sad news that her Father-In-Law had passed away and she and her husband were driving to be with the family. My grandmother and mom were suppose to stay with me and my sister Jenny and her two boys, both under the age of 2, would stay with my sister. And we would just make plans throughout the week to meet up and hangout. Well it ended up they all ended up staying at Laura's house because it was easier to all be in one place, and someone needed to watch my sisters kids. So I just drove back and forth everyday to be with them. A very long story short, my grandmother started feeling pretty sick on Thursday and by Saturday my mom took her to Urgent Care and they diagnosed her with pneumonia. My shower happened to be on Saturday, but mom didn't feel like she could leave me grandmother so she stayed home with her and my sister Jenny was able to come with the neighbor to my shower. It was just a crazy week taking care of 8 kids, my sick grandmother, and driving everyone around, getting groceries, cooking, entertaining. It was not exactly how I would have guessed the week to go, but we managed and did end up having a great time together. I have a few pictures of the one nice day my family got to enjoy. The weather here has been crazy and we have been waiting a very long time for spring! I think spring is here finally as this week is going to be in the eighties a couple of days!

We went to the tennis courts to let the kids run around get some energy out. Mom got in a little game with Caleb and we all took turns hitting balls and running around having fun!
My sweet Amelia girl!
Always a smiling!
Sweet Blake and Grant.
I'm so happy I was able to capture this sweet moment. We obviously were missing a lot of the little ones, but this is still pretty sweet!
And we can't forget about this sweet little guy. I had Tim take a quick picture so show my progress in the last weeks. Can't wait to meet him!
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