I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Splash Park Baby

I met my friend Staci at a splash park close to our house on Friday.  It was fun to finally meet up with her and let the kids play.  She has two little boys, Grayson and Nate, and Jonah is in-between the two in age.  It was so nice to hangout with someone who has boys!!!  She totally gets me, she totally gets Jonah, rough housing, dirt, wildness, running, and everything little boys do.  It was relaxing because Jonah and her boys just ran around the park and played in the water.  We were the only ones there for a good hour and a half so it was so nice to chat and not worry about the boys getting into something.  I really enjoyed our time together and look forward to the boys being boys again.

 Oh I just love that sweet look on his face.  He loved it here because it did not require getting into the water.  So far he has not been a fan of the pool but this,  he love every minute of it!
 Love those curls.  The summer really brings out the curls!

 Grayson and Jonah running around.

 Another sweet capture of that happy little face and happy little man!

 And then we discovered you could drink the water.  That was entertainment for the rest of the morning!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Independence Day

We had a different fourth of July this year and it was so fun to change it up.  Instead of the usual BBQ, stuff your face, and then watch fireworks (which I love all of the above) we decided to go to Charlotte for the day with the Mosley clan.  Our goal was to meet up at Ikea, shop around, and then head to the Discovery Children's Museum.  Well we made it to Ikea, spent way to long chasing kids, browsing and looking at everything and ended up not making it to the museum because it closed at 4:30, stinker.  Oh well Ikea was great and we ended up going to Bass Pro Shop and stayed there for almost 2 hours.  There were boats, 4-wheelers, side-by-sides, and other things to climb on and check out.  The kids had a blast doing that so we figured it was great for them to be entertained and run around and get all their energy out.  Then on our way home we stopped in Burlington and ate at "Little Italy."  It was pretty good.  One of Tim's patients told him about it and he was been wanting to eat there since ever since.  We headed home and didn't get Jonah to bed until 9pm, and I payed for it that night. Oh well, you have to skip your routine every once-in-awhile.  We didn't do the fireworks which I was super bummed because I LOVE fireworks, but we knew it probably wouldn't be much fun for Jonah.   Maybe next year!

 Tim's mom gets us matching shirts every year from Old Navy.  I love this tradition and so look forward to wearing our new shirts and getting pictures.

 These 4-wheelers were Jonah's favorite.  I can't wait to go home to Montana in a week, ahhhhhhh, and he can ride them all day at both grandparents!  He is going to love it there.

 Yep I took some pictures on the boat. I wanted to make it look like we went boating on this huge amazing $45,000 boat.  Does the background look real?
 Haha, not with that big hunting sign in the back!

My boys, love them to pieces!!

Jonah was pretty fussy by this time of day so it was movie time while we waited for our food.  And the cousins enjoyed this time as well.  Jonah loves Joshua so much.  We were walking in Ikea and I told him to hold momma's hand.  He was not listening and kept running away from me.  But then Joshua told Jonah to hold his hand and Jonah's little hand slipped right into Joshua's (melt my heart).  And Jonah wanted to be carried about by Joshua the whole time, so precious to see how much Jonah adores him.

Happy Fourth of July, 2013!

Friday, July 5, 2013

My little Artist

Last week the weather was great.  Sunny, warm, so many fun things to do outdoors.  This week it has been awful!  It has rained everyday since Sunday.  That makes it hard for this momma to keep the little man entertained inside all day.  But we somehow managed.  These pictures are from last week when it was nice out.  You would think since it rained all week I would have posted these pictures sooner, since were stuck inside all day, but I was probably wasting time on pinterest or something.  Anyway here are some pictures of Jonah painting and playing with bubbles, some of his favorite things to do!

 Now how do I get this lid off?

 We started out painting the driveway...
And then discovered it was more fun to paint himself!  I did purchase washable paint which was a good thing because he had it all over him.  But after washing his onesie I learned I should have sprayed the shirt with spot cleaner because there are light blue stains all over.  Oh well it was a cheap onesie and he had a blast so it was all worth it to me!

 See the drool in the picture?  There was some major concentrating going on here!

 And then it was time to clean up.  Jonah washed the driveway for me!

 I tried to get an action shot of Jonah running with the bubbles but all I got was a dark body.  I obviously did not have the right setting on my camera!

 Having fun letting the bubbles pop on his face!