I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Smiles for Mom

Jonah and I were having fun together other other day and I took a few pictures of him being oh so cute.  I bought this cute little hat for our professional pictures and decided we better get some use out of it. So we took some pictures and then met up with a friend for frozen yogurt that afternoon.  And yes, everyone was looking at Jonah!:)

This is a picture from a couple of weeks ago, but I had to get him in this little white outfit that Aunt Angela gave him.  I think he looks so good in white and this was one of my favorites!

My little man.  He was smiling so much for the camera (too bad he was not in this mood when we took professional pics).  Oh well you can't make a baby do what you want when you want.  I will take what I can get!

I have a groupon to use for a canvas wrap and I am trying to decide if I should use one of these.  Anyone think they like these or have a favorite on which one I should use??

 Oh I love him so.....

 They are all very similar. I don't love the background, but it was still chilly outside because we took these pictures in the morning.  I think it could work.  What do you think??

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Katie's Baby Shower

I hosted a baby shower for my dear friend Katie on Saturday, March 10th.  Once again behind on blogging I still wanted to get some pictures up to show you how it all turned out.  I was super excited to get to put this shower on for Katie and had a great time planning, decorating, and celebrating.  Man when you are hosting a shower of any sort it is the best thing for one' house.  I scrubbed places in my house that had not been touched since the day we moved in.  I would say I keep things picked up around my house and am very organized, but deep cleaning is not my forte.  So there were some blinds in need of some major dusting, some cockroach poop/dead cockroach I found under the couch (I know that is really gross, but hey I'm honest) dirty floor boards, and much more.  I cleaned for about two days (probably could have cleaned for another three).  But it all turned out great and everyone had a wonderful time.

I had to take a picture of the cleaning process before everything was nicely clean and put together.  It was much worse than this, but I didn't think about the pic till after I had picked most everything up!

The mantle all decorated and ready for the par-tay!!  I made the banner and Dad did the letters while he was out here visiting.  I am going to use the banner in some way to help Katie decorate her nursery, glad it will be getting some use!

Ah a wonderfully clean home.  That is probably one of the greatest feelings for me.  I get all excited and giddy just knowing my house is spotless!

I ordered these fun straws online and am so happy I did.  I think they added a fun little pop to the drinks!

I didn't get a picture of the food table which I am bummed about.  But you can kind of see the table cloth, and flowers.  

Hannah was so cute at the shower and everyone loved her.  She got to wear a dress and headband and was loving the girl time.  The main focus of the shower was a yogurt bar with lots of different toppings.  I had tart, vanilla, and chocolate.  Hannah chose chocolate with raspberries and mini choc chips.  While she was eating the yogurt she looked up at me said with a huge grin on her face "I am having two desserts, chocolate yogurt and then a chocolate cupcake."  Oh life is good when you are four at an all girls party!

Some of the girls!

Laura was holding Jonah and playing around with him.  This is what he would look like as a little girl.  Still pretty darn cute!!!  Sorry Jonah someday you will look back and hopefully think it was all done in fun!

We had to get some shots of Jonah's little girlfriend.  This is Lillia and she was born six weeks after Jonah.  It was fun being pregnant with Julie at the same time and now we get to share our children growing up together.  She is super laid back and chill and my little man is wild and charming.  It is so fun to see even at this young age how their personalities are blossoming.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

7 months old

Jonah is seven months old!   I am a few days behind I realize, but better then never right?  Here are few snapshots of Jonah hanging out in bed with Dad and Mom.  I realized after looking at his pictures for each month I MUST get more creative.  Seriously it's either the bed or the big brown chair.  Oh well at least we are capturing him!  Here are few of the not so creative shots in our bed:)

And I can't get enough of him.  You think I took enough pictures?!!!

 This is without the flash and the picture below with flash.  One of these days I will learn to shoot in manuel and never use the flash again!  Why is one so afraid of the camera?  Well I need to get over it and learn to take some real shots!  Anyway happy seven months to Jonah Bear!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Oh the Joy of Family

It was wonderful to have Mom here for two weeks and Dad here for one.  And how fun for them to be here for my birthday.  We enjoyed many nice days of weather in the sixties and one day it was in the seventies.  We spent lots of time outdoors playing soccer, going to the park, enjoying a picnic lunch and more.  Here are a few pictures of the family.  And it is raining outside.  We were suppose to get strong winds and the possibility of a tornado.  Thankfully there was no tornado, but lots of rain.  But I love rainy days so staying in all day makes me happy.  Tim is gone all day.  He is taking an in-training anesthesia exam with his fellow classmates.  It is a good thing because it tests how well they are doing and if there is need for improvement.  But I have had no husband for the past three months.  He has been going into work at 5:30 and getting home anywhere from 4-7pm and then studying for 2-3 hours for this test.  So it has been a long three months.  So those of you who think being a doctor/being married to a doctor is all peaches and cream, and oh what a glorious life it is, it's not!!  People have no idea what hard work, long hours, debt, and determination they go through to get to the end.  My husband works long long hours and does not get off work when normal people do, takes care of very very sick people and prays he is doing the right thing, does not get time off whenever he wants, they dictate his life.   But with all this being said that is what we chose to do and we are going to finish with a smile! Anyway I will get off my soap box now, just had to add those little tidbits.  I wouldn't change anything though.  This time in med school and residency has grown us and we are in it together for the long haul.  Alrighty ending on a happy note, here are some pictures of my main squeeze and my fam!!  

Amelia loves holding Jonah.  She is going to be a cute little mother.  She holds hims, gives him his pacifier, takes him his blanket, talks to him (in her language).  So cute!

                                                                 Muzzie and Jonah

 Amelia will eat anything and everything, and Papa will feed her anything and everything.  So they both were happy!

 Sweet family times.  The Mosley crew came over for dinner and some cards on mom and dad's last night here.

And the last day mom and dad were here we spent the day at the park.  It was such a beautiful day.  There is a neat little walking trial that takes you through the tress and I thought this pictures of the three boys was so cute!

Jonah went down the slide for the first time.  Joshua is such a good big cousin and took him down the first couple of times.  Jonah first of all loves to be outside, and now I know when he can walk we will be spending lots of time on the play-set and outdoors!!