I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The End of Summer

We are gearing down toward the end of summer pictures and onto fall and the nice weather. Now its cold and rainy:(  I really don't like winter, especially with a two year old to entertain.  It's hard being contained inside all day, but we do the best we can!  I am wrapping up the pictures from fall now and all I have left is our trip to Montana!

Waiting to pick Mimi up from the airport.  He was pretty excited to see her so we sat on the step, had a snack, and waited!

He loves spaghetti! And it's always a huge mess, but oh well he eats it!!

A day at the museum.  We rode the train which Jonah thought was pretty darn amazing.  And while the conductor was talking he listened very intently.  He was into it!

The awesome train table Daddy made for Jonah.  He was very excited about this little project!

Taking pictures with Joshua!

My sweet cow for Halloween!  He was so into Halloween this year and it was so much fun to watch him.  He was a trooper and kept up with the big kids most of the night.  His little legs walked up and down many hills and he walked the whole way without being asked to be carried once!  "I do!"

Monday, November 25, 2013

We continue

And the pictures continue.  I am waiting for something exciting, like um Thanksgiving, to come up with some more recent pictures!  So until then lets dream of summer and warmer weather...

 We were able to take a family trip to Blowing Rock this fall to visit Tweetsie Railroad and Tim was able to do his first bike race in North Carolina.  I love blowing rock and what a neat little quaint town it is!

 Pretty exhausted from a fun filled weekend trip.  He slept the whole way home!

Our favorite place to be, the park.  He is so fun to take to the park now because you can just let him go and he goes up and down the slide and stairs all by himself.  Oh and everything these days is "I DO."  Sometimes its cute and sometimes he just can't do!!

Jonah learned that you can reverse the camera on my phone so we took some self pictures.  He was enjoying this very much!
 A day with his cousins.  When mom and dad were here this fall we went over to Kurt and Laura's and had some great games of Mother May I.  Her kids are at a great age for this game and had so much fun.  I took about 10 pictures and its so funny because in each picture there is a progression of Jonah starting at the back and then pretty soon is somehow in the front with Joshua.  He had fun playing the game his way!

We finally made it to downtown Durham to eat some ice cream and the Ice Cream Parlor.  It was a neat place with some very delicious options.  We went to Mark, Julie, and Lillia and had a great time out together.  We are so thankful for dear friends like them, that's another things I will miss about North Carolina. Saying goodbye to precious freindships:(

 More trains.  Jonah is at the perfect age for trains so we took him to the Hope Valley Train yard.  It was a great family outing.  And Jonah loved every minute of it!

A sweet Sunday afternoon hanging with Daddy!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Just Pictures and maybe some good News!

Because the Bulls are the best!  Going to the Durham Bulls baseball game is one of my most absolute favorite things to do in the summer.  I love the thought of watching baseball (sometimes it does get a tad bit boring and I find myself people watching and most of time chasing a 2 year old around), I love the music, food, drinks, and hot weather.  These games make me giddy and we had a perfect family outing together!

Just some more fun days together this summer.  My and my boy!!

We were finally able to make to down to see Tim's cousins John and Sonneri.  We made an apple pie like this together a few years ago so we decided to recreate.  You pile it so high with apples that you don't think it will ever fit in the oven.  But oh it did, and it turned out perfect!

Fun day at Jordan lake.  We took the trucks, cars, and boats and headed out to enjoy a family day at the little beach.  Jonah had a blast playing in the sand but steered clear of the water! He is not a huge fan of lakes or pools.  I am hoping next year he will be a little fish and love it!

Dad convinced him to go into the water and they found a minnow.  He was pretty excited about it!

How many trucks and cars does one need in the sprinkler.  I guess all of them according to Jonah!

We are pregnant!
This last one picture is a true testament to God's promise and unfailing love.  I have prayed from the day I lost my sweet Ellie Catherine that God would heal my heart and give me strength to move forward and continue to live and trust him.  Well my God did give me the desires of my heart.  And that was to conceive another precious baby that was healthy and perfect and all in God'd timing.  God has been all loving and my rock for the past 8 months and we found out the week after Labor Day that we were expecting a precious gift from God!  It has been a nerve racking 16 weeks with fear, doubt, and anxiety trying to control me.  But I pray against all of that and know that God is in control and I have no control over this sweet baby.  The continual prayer and reassurance that God knows best is so comforting.  I have made it to 16 weeks and so far ultrasound shows that baby looks good, has a strong heartbeat and is kicking and moving like crazy.  Every time I get to see that precious baby on ultrasound I smile the biggest smile you could imagine and dream of what he or she will look like.  To be quite honest I can't wait for the day of delivery.  I don't even care about the pain I just want that baby out and in my arms forever.  So folks stay tuned, the sweet bundle of joy is expected to arrive somewhere around May 9th!!