I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Boone Baby

So this post is a little bit old, but I wanted to get these pictures up anyway.  I have a few posts to catch up on so here we go!  We took a nice three day weekend the beginning of November with our dear friends the Mills.  We went to Jon's aunt's cabin.  It was adorable and prefect for the five of us. I forgot to take pictures of the cabin, but just picture a quaint, cozy, warm cabin, nestled a the top of the mountain with a cozy fireplace.  We cooked most of our meals there and played a lot of Settlers of Catan (Tim and my all time favorite game), while drinking steaming hot chocolate.   We played with Jonah and laughed at all his talking and entertainment, and went on a beautiful hike up to the Grandfather Mountain area.  It was beautiful weather and a great weekend!

Daddy is happiest outdoors!

The crew

Sweet sleeping baby boy

Katie and I goofing around.  I love her!:)

The five of us

Awake for some of the trip

My little baldy I love oh so much

The Erpeldings

The Mills

Dad and Jonah Bear.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Mother's Love

I know so many people have already seen this, but I wanted to post it again because it is so sweet and true.  Here is an adorable Johnson and Johnson commercial/youtube video.  If you are a mother, grandmother, aunt, etc.. you will understand this.  And it will melt your heart if you are a mother to a son!

Here is my sweet son Jonah!


I love you....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

3 Months Old

This little blog is a week late because my little man was 3 months old on the 8th.  But I wanted to post a few pictures and fill you in on what Jonah has been doing these days!!!

Happy 3 Months Jonah Bear!

My happy happy boy!

Big Blue eyes!

                                             What Jonah has been up to at 3 months and beyond!
1.  He coos and mimics you when you talk to him.  He likes to see the shape of my mouth and try to do exactly what I am doing!
2.  He loves his crib!  He loves his crib at night, but is also getting to be a big boy and take his naps in his crib during the day.  He took a nap for 2.5 hours this afternoon!!
3.  He is so happy in the morning.  I go in to get him up and as soon as I peak my head over the crib he gives me the biggest good morning grin. It melts my heart!
4.  He loves to be outside.  Whenever we go on our walks he likes to sit like a big boy in the stroller and look at the trees, people walking their dogs, and whatever else comes his way!
5.  He loves play-dates and his cousins.  We have play-dates once a week with some of the ladies from my small group.  He is one of the younger ones there, but he loves to watch the kids and is totally  entertained.  Same thing goes for hanging out with his cousins.  He loves to watch the big boy cousins play and Eli and Hannah are great about bringing him toys of his own to "play" with!  He is  thoroughly entertained and loves his cousins!
6.  He likes his kicking time.  He is now beginning to try and roll over.  He will lay on the ground and  we will talk and play and he will push off my hands and shove himself back. Then he will try and 
roll over.  I think it will be happening soon!
7.  I sometimes let him fall asleep in my arms. I just love to have him fall asleep in my arms.  When I see he starts to get sleepy I rock him to sleep, sing to him, and we cuddle.  It's one of my favorite times of day!
I love being home with Jonah everyday and wouldn't trade it for the world.  I get to see him change, discover news things, and love on him whenever I want to.  Thank you Lord for allowing me to be home with my baby!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This post is a little late but I wanted to share some pictures from our trip to Chicago.  Tim had the wonderful opportunity to present a poster at the ASA this year in Chicago, in case you are wondering the ASA is the American Society of Anesthesiologists!  All this medical professional jargon.  I am so proud of Tim and the hard work he puts in everyday as a resident.  He puts in some VERY long hours and works so hard to provide for our family of three!  I think you can explain to people all day long what is like working as doctor/resident and they will never understand the true sacrifice that doctors make everyday to keep everyone living and healthy.  Tim wakes up around 5 or 5:30 every morning for work and usually works at least 6 days a week, is on call at least one night a week which means he goes in at 6 in the morning and does not come home until 7 the next morning, he takes care of very sick and unhealthy people in some very hard cases, and never complains.  Ok so I am very proud of him, but I want to give a shout out to him because he deserves it.  He is an amazing worker, husband, and friend.  Just a little side note there!:) 

Right before we got on the plane!  He was such a sweet boy and good little traveler.

A little bit of Chicago

Our FAVORITE place we found to eat breakfast.  We ate here almost every morning.

A park which of course I can't remember the name.  That is why you blog right after your trip so you don't forget these things!

A cool "kidney shaped bean" thingy.

Where are we?  Yep Wildberry pancake restaurant.

The Museum of Life and Science.  A very COOL museum, so big and so many things to see.  And I love Museums so this was right up my ally! 

The outside of the museum, such a neat old building. 

Just another view of the beautiful city.

So this pictures is a little creepy because that white ghost thing got in every picture we took.  I was kind of annoyed,  because I wanted a good family photo, but oh well I guess.

Looking out to Lake Michigan from Navy Pier.

Navy Pier

Maybe someday I will get my bod back?!

I just loved all the old buildings and beautiful flowers. They had huge flower pots all over the city filled with mums, cabbage, kale, and so many more fall flowers and plants.  I was in love!

Yikes! Look at the crazy bridge!

My sweet boy

All bundled up.  Jonah loved the city!  He was perfectly happy in his stroller people watching and then would catch a few zzz's along the way!

The John Hancock Observatory.  We were on the 94th floor!  It was cool, but kinda scary!

Another view from the 94th floor!

On the way home Jonah sat with Irena and Kate, a couple of Tim's co-workers who are in love with him.  He is a ladies man I am afraid.  He smiled and flirted with them most the flight home.
And thats a wrap.  A all expense paid trip to Chicago, great food, and family fun, can't beat that!  See you next time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My 'Lil' Monster

Here are a few pictures I took of Jonah one morning when he was so happy.  Well he is actually happy every morning, but proud momma likes to take pictures all the time of my handsome man.  So this year for Halloween we did our annual Erpelding/Mosley Chili supper.  The kids get all dressed up in their costumes and we take pictures and then it's off to trick-or-treat.  It was unfortunately raining this year so Jonah and Amelia stayed inside, but that did not deter the other ones from getting their yearly candy supply!  Once all candy was collected we all gathered for chili, and pie and enjoyed watching the kids run around eating candy and enjoying their costumes.  Mimi bought Jonah the most adorable monster outfit for his first Halloween.  It fit him perfect and we got some great pictures. Thanks mimi, you are the best!
Happy Halloween from the Erpeldings!

Such a happy boy

I love this sweet look

Getting ready to go on a walk on a very cold day!

Looking sleepy, and sure enough he feel asleep on the walk!

The Mosley cousins!


The oldest and the youngest 

My Little Monster

So sweet and smiling for the camera

Cutest little monster

Daddy and Jonah

Looks a bit like Robin Hood

I want to kiss!