I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hats of all Kind

It is Monday and we are having a peaceful day inside.  The weekend was busy and it's time to relax and enjoy the rain outside.  Daddy is home post-call sleeping and Jonah and I are playing.  I just wanted to add a few pictures of Jonah and Papa and all Jonah's new hats.  I never thought I would say this, but I find more things now for Jonah than I do for myself.  For those of you who know me, I love to shop!!  I have always loved to shop and not only do I love to shop for myself, I love to decorate my house.  Oh those two hobbies can get pretty expensive.  But the house and myself have taken a back burner and now it is all about Jonah.  Mimi bought these two cute hats for Jonah and he looks adorable in them.  I can't wait to start buying summer clothes now!

Papa and Jonah

So kissable

My sweet boy!

Can't wait for summer.  Thanks Mimi!

I love my daddy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thanks for Visiting!

Tim's parents just left today after a quick but wonderful visit.  They are so fun and easy to have visit, thanks for coming guys.  We spent some good quality time together visiting, shopping, and of course giving all undivided attention to Jonah!  Oh it is so wonderful when family is around.  Chris and Joe were so sweet because they got up every morning with Jonah so mommy could get a little extra shut-eye.  Ahhh was that a treat.  We took a trip down to Fayetteville to see one of Joe's old friends and his wife.  We had a great time visiting and talking about the good ole days!  We cooked in, ate out, watched some football, and were entertained mostly by the little man!  Here are a few pictures of the happiest and cutest  baby boy!

I feel like there are many pictures with Dad and Jonah sleeping.  This is the life of a resident!! Working long hours and taking care of so many sick people at all hours of the night.  He works hard to support our  family of three and I just couldn't pass up the cute pic!

In love!

5 months old

and always smiling

Hamming it up for mommy

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Five Months

Happy Five Months Jonah.
Well my baby boy was five months old on the 8th.  I can't believe it has already been five months.  Man they say enjoy them as babies because the time goes by so fast, and it does.  We stayed home and just hung around the house.  Tim is off this week and we decided to do a staycation and just stay around here. Traveling is not as easy now that Jonah is getting older, and thats ok it is good for us to slow down and and just enjoy these times together as a family.  We were able to go on a long hike and have a picnic lunch with 70 degree weather to enjoy.  Tim did some bouldering while Jonah and I checked out the scenery.  It was so nice to get away for a day and enjoy the outdoors.  Then there is always the ever dreaded house cleaning day.  I am pretty sure my husband was quietly thinking to himself (some vacation) but he was a trooper and helped me get the house all cleaned up and put back together for his parents visit.  We will be picking them up tomorrow, can't wait for them to get here.  About my Jonah.  Here is what he has been up to lately.

Sleep:  Nonexistent.  That pretty much sums it up.  Jonah goes to bed at 7:30 exhausted and wakes up around 11-12 happy as a clam just talking away.  Wants to eat and then wants to be up for good at 5am.  Mom is working on breaking this habit, hard to do when he is such an angel and just wants to talk.  And he does not nap.  He will sometimes take a 2 hour nap in the morning in his swing (only 2 hours if he is in his swing), and then one little afternoon nap for about 20 min.    Any suggestions you moms out there?

Food:  Would rather talk or listen to anyone that is in the room and smile and grin at whatever you are doing or saying.  Such a people person (like his daddy) and does not want to miss a thing.  He is my social butterfly and such a joy.  I have to remind him that he does need to still eat every 3-3.5 hours since we are not eating solids yet.

Personality:  HAPPY!  I say my baby does not sleep, but boy does his sweet personality make up for it.  He is so happy no matter what.  You walk into the room and he will give you the biggest smile, and he loves to be talked to, held, and loved on.  I don't get much done around the house because he is so hard to resist.

Activity:  He has found his feet.  He loves to be naked in the morning when I am getting him dressed for the day and just lays on his changing table grabbing those little piggies.  He will talk up a storm in the morning and I am almost positive he has better abs then me due to the leg raises he does daily!

Play Gym:  A wonderful gift from Mimi and Papa.  Jonah loves to sit in his little bouncy chair and push the musics buttons, spin around, and put whatever is close to him in his mouth.

Teeth:  Getting some?  I keep thinking that he is teething as everything goes in his mouth.  I have had one mom tell me that her baby started teething around 5 months but the first tooth didn't come up until 8 months, don't know about that.  Then my sister said they love to put everything in their mouth he might not be teething yet.  Either way I wouldn't mind if he held off on the chompers for a bit longer!

Life is exciting in the Erpelding household as we experience new things with Jonah everyday.  I am still so blessed that I am able to stay home with my pride and joy.  I can't imagine leaving him everyday and am so so happy I get to see his new discoveries everyday.  So Happy Birthday to my Jonah!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A visit to Georgia

So I am very far behind on blogging, so far behind that I am going to be playing catch up and post pictures from back in December when we went to visit Tim's grandparents and Aunt and Uncle.  We drove down to August, GA for a few days so everyone could see Jonah.  The weather was beautiful and we sat around eating yummy Christmas cookies while visiting and playing with Jonah Bear.  Here are a few pictures from the visit.

Jonah with Great Grandma Anne.  He loved being held by Grandma!

Ahh to tickle the ivories again.  I played Christmas Carols for the first time in a few long time.  It felt so good.

And so special for three generations to be together!

I love the holding of hands.   So precious. 

So sweet for Jonah to see Great Grandpa Gabe again.

Jonah with Uncle John.

It was so nice to get away from home and go visit family for a nice quick visit.  We are so happy that while we live in North Carolina we can see family as much as we do.  Thanks for having us Aunt Ro and Uncle John!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Erpelding Family Fun

Pictures are finally here.  So I logged onto my blog today to add all the new photos, looking around frantically I can't find the camera.  And then I vaguely remember Tim telling, oh so early this morning, that he was going to take it climbing.  Bummer because that camera has all the photos I wanted to add to my blog.  Well one of these days it will be updated.   But until then I have some pictures from Tim's iPhone and my iPod that I took and those will have to do!


My Reindeer shirt for Christmas 

My new amazing toy from Mimi and Papa.  This thing entertains me for a long time so momma can get lots of things done around the house!

My two tired boys.  Daddy was post-call here and had not slept in 36 hours, and I was ready for my late afternoon nap and fell asleep with daddy!  

At Aunt Laura's so tired again.  Dad and Mom were very busy this Christmas!

A really cool sled I wanted to try out!

My new argyle sweater and pants for Mommy's friend Kaitlyn's wedding!

Oh so handsome!