I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Family Pictures

 I had been wanting to do 6 month pictures for Jonah so I found a deal on a blog I follow for a free sitting fee and thought I would look into it.  It turns out the lady only does natural lighting and does have a studio.  I was not sure this is what I wanted, but decided to give her a try.  The only problem was she does all her pictures outside and Jonah turned six months in February.  It was going to be hard to find a day that would be nice enough to have Jonah outside.  It ended up we had to reschedule twice due to weather, but it all turned out because Jonah was really closer to 7 months and was sitting up really well by that point.  So we got the pictures done and I am so happy with how they turned out.  Here are a few of my favorites!

The lady who did our pictures is Casey Rose and she owns Casey Rose photography.  She did a great job and I like the natural lighting look of all the pictures.

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