I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Friday, February 10, 2012

6 Months Old!

So this is just a few days late for Jonah's six month pictures but here are a few.  He turned six months on the 8th of February.  Oh my how the time has flown by.  I can't believe my little man is 6 months old.  I really do feel like it was just yesterday that Tim and I were patiently awaiting the arrival of our little boy.  Laughing about the days when it was just the two of us foot loose and fancy free traveling the world, dinner parties every night, and enjoying life together.  Having no idea how drastically, but wonderfully Jonah Gabriel would change our lives.  I was nine months pregnant in middle of a North Carolina summer with swollen little piggies, ankles, well really you name it and it was swollen!  I can laugh about that now.  Now the most handsome little being on this planet is six months old and I am so happy to be his mommy.  We are enjoying Jonah as he is a sweet, happy, fun little guy.  Here are a few things that Jonah has been up!

Sitting up-  Yep January 31st he sat up for the first time on his own.  What a big boy he is now.  He is such a cute little petite thing it is so cute to see him sitting up all by himself.  He had his six month appointment and was in the 25th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  Dr. Pickens said that is just fine and that he is growing as should be.

Eating solids-  I started out with the good ole butternut squash and pears, and he loved it.  He chowed down and enjoyed every last bite. It might have been because both helpings were fresh from my Baby Food maker and he dug that!  Now the frozen stuff just isn't the same.  Ok sweet boy, I can't make you fresh baby food everyday!

Cuddles-  He is such a sweet little cuddler.  So I admit I have spoiled him a bit and rock him to sleep for his naps but if you knew how little he sleeps you would be doing the exact same thing.  He loves to be held and loved on.  So I enjoy it every bit as he does!

Starting to reach-  When he is in a position or spot he does not like, he will reach for me.  For example if he is in his bouncy chair but wants mom to be holding him, those little arms go up like "get me out of here."  It is pretty cute.

Rolling-  Yep he sat up before he rolled.  I was a little worried because it was taking him so long to roll, but one of my good friends who is a pediatrician said they don't even consider rolling a milestone anymore.  So that made me feel better that we were not missing out on anything and Jonah is right on schedule.

Life is pretty exciting around here.  It has been a long day because our heat and A/C both went out! AHHHH.  So Jonah and I have been hanging out in the kitchen all day so the guys can work on getting everything installed right above Jonah's room of course. Yep we have been in the kitchen with heaters pointed at us all day.  Oh fun times.  So because of the noise throughout the house Jonah napped a whole 10 minutes this morning and then 15 minutes in my arms this afternoon.  Oh my it might be a long evening, but I think they are suppose to be done done in 2 hours.  Anyway here are a few pics of the little munchkin!

For the first time since Jonah was born I finally see a little of me in him. I really didn't think I saw Tim or I in him.  I have thought all along that he looks like a mix, but in these pictures here during bedtime stories and totally see me.  Funny how everyone can tell you who your baby looks like but you don't see it.  Now I do:)

 Bedtime is such a fun time of all of us.  We give Jonah his bath, naked time, and then end with stories and prayers.  He also looks forward to this time.  He gets excited when he knows it's bath night because he loves his baths.
 And all these pictures are from his actual half birthday.  What a sweet handsome boy he is!

 My Grandma on my mom's side has been making county-cross stitch pictures all these years for her grandchildren and now for all of her great-grandchildren.  So this was part of Jonah's Christmas present and I finally got around to taking a picture with him and his special name picture from Grandmama.
I like it!

Trying to get him to look at the camera.

And finally there it is!

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