1. I crave salt. I want anything and everything salty. Chips, salsa, hummus, crackers. Sweets sound awful. Nothing sweet sounds appealing.
2. I was sick this time around:( We got back from Montana and it hit me. I laid on couch all summer long feeling nauseous sometimes just in the morning sometimes throughout the day. I never threw up or felt extremely awful but just to be nauseated everyday is exhausting.
3. I have not gained that much weight yet!! With Jonah I put the pounds on fast. This time I have tried to be a little more careful about what I eat and for some reason didn't gain too quickly.
4. I have such awful acne. I had clear complexion pretty much the entire time I was prego with Jonah. Now my face looks like a pizza. I hate it, I'm self conscious about it, but what do you do?
5. I have been extremely emotional. I cry at commercials, stories, blogs, movies, radio broadcastings. It may be a happy story or a sad one, but either way I am crying. I don't think I shed one tear while pregnant with Jonah:)
6. I nap a lot when Jonah does. I guess I didn't really get the opportunity to nap while pregnant with Jonah because I still working full time. But now I am taking full advantage of those wonderful afternoon naps. Keeping up with a 13 month old active little boy is a joy, but tiring too!:)
So that sums it up. That is what this pregnancy has looked like so far. I feel like it is going quick. I am already 16 weeks today and can't believe I am almost to the half way point. Things are going well and I loving being a mommy at home!
Oh and I had to add these photos. This was at a friends birthday party and one is Jonah happy before we put the birthday hat on.
And he hated the hat on!!
And cuteness after his bath!