I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Home Sweet Home

I got to spend two whole weeks with my parents and every minute was wonderful.  The first week it was just Jonah and I and we stayed busy.  I love working beside Dad and Mom and our days were jam packed. We trimmed tress, hauled limbs, watered the garden, mowed, moved equipment, played with the cats, cleaned, organized, drank lots of coffee, ate tons of vegetable from my mom's amazing garden chatted, met up with old friends, and enjoyed each others company.   It was really the perfect week. And then the following week we had a mini family reunion and Julie and her family, Jenny and her family, Laura, my Grandmama, and uncle Mike (from California) all came.  It was wild and chaotic at times, but we had so much fun!  Here are a few snapshots from our time with more posts to come.

You can't really tell what Jonah is doing in this picture, but he drinking out of a bottle of water.  So this boy is obsessed with any type of water bottle, plastic, nalgene, sippy cup, someone else's sippy cup. Well my dad packs (wait my mom packs) his lunches everyday when he is out farming and mom sends water with him as well.  In every tractor/truck on the farm (and there are about 10 of them), there are numerous water bottles that my Dad has left.  And Jonah found every single one of them.  So I had to get a picture of the water bottle.  He definitely got his water quota for the two weeks we were there.

 Some of the tree trimming and limb hauling we did!

 More fun with Papa.  Jonah loved riding in the side-by-side.  We took at least one ride a day in it!

Petting the kitty with Muffie.  Mom's name is really Muzzie (to the grandchildren) but Jonah can't say his z's so she was Muffie the whole time we were there.  Not the best sounding name, as my sister likes to think it sounds like a dancer/showgirl.  Yes leave it to Jenny to come up with that:)  But it is pretty funny.

The old Case IH tractor.  My sister and I played with this very same tractor when we were kids!  It is the best toy and is so well made.  This is perfect for all the grandsons mom and dad and are having!

Jonah LOVEd the cats.  And thank goodness these cats are sweet.  They would pretty much let him do anything to them and never once did they scratch or hiss at him  We had to stay on him not to pull their tails or step on the cat (oh little boys).  But they were buds and great source of entertainment.

 Showing me some leg.  This was just a cute funny pose where Jonah randomly lifted up his pant leg.  Love that little guy!
Our sweet Mittens

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