I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Storybook Island

And the posts keep coming.  I told you I took a lot of pictures and I don't want any of them left out.  Well a few will be left out because I can't blog as many pictures as I took, but I want our trip to be completely documented.  It was pretty good weather while we were home.  There were a few rainy days which is great for the Montana ranchers, but depressing for me since North Carolina has been drenched this summer.  I was so excited to leave the rain and then sure enough it rarely rains in Montana and does while we are there.  Oh well I would rather the crops get the rain then me be a whiny baby about the weather!

Laura flew into Rapid City and those of us who were already home took a little road trip with Mom and Dad.  We were also going to pick up Grandmama and Uncle Mike.  Mom and Dad wanted to take Jonah and Blake to Storybook Island.  It is this cute little theme park with displays, houses, ships, rides from all the classics.  We had a great time with the kids and got some fun pictures.

Mom and Dad at the funny house.  What a cute "little" couple they are.

 My sisters!  Sure wish Julie could have joined us!

Fun on the choo-choo train.  Jonah would have stayed on the train all day if he could have.  This boy loves trains.

 Cousins, ahh so sweet!

 I think this is funny how Jonah was running around with Papa and then started running toward the rest of us.  I got a few action shots as he got closer.

 The three little pigs houses.  Thought they were all so cute.
Fun on the slide!!

 And we found some more trains to play on!  It is so hard to get a good pictures of Jonah because he is always on the move.  So I am pretty much just running around chasing after him hoping to get a few good ones.

Thanks for the fun day Dad and Mom.  We had a great time!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny looks so cute pregnant! Glad you had some good family time with all your sisters there too!
