I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Outer Banks Part III

Alright everyone this is that last of our trip.  If I didn't like taking pictures so much I would not have to blog about our trips three different time, but hey I love pictures and capturing the moments so here it is.  We have had a pretty good week.  Tim is on night float which means his schedule is totally switched around.  He goes in around 6:15pm, works all night (did 6 C-sections last night!!), and then comes home around 7:30am to seep all day.  This is definitely not ideal for family time, but oh well what do you do??  We have a baby shower, birthday party, and lots of lawn work to do this weekend and then Laura and the crew and Jonah and I are off the Myrtle Beach.  And I can guarantee you there will lots of pictures to post from that trip!!

There was a great park in downtown Duck with the most beautiful hydrangeas.  I had to take some pictures, they just happen to be one of my favorite flowers!

Waiting for some ice cream.  Yep he likes dessert just like his mommy!!

And the last of our light houses to see.  Currituck Light house in Corolla, NC.

And the last day in the pool.  The big pool was pretty chilly so we didn't stay in there long because I think it was a bit cold for Jonah.  The baby pool however he liked which was nice and warm.

And thats a wrap, till next time...

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