I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

All better!

I think I can finally say that life is back to normal.  The blues are subsiding and Jonah is eating like a champ. Tim still has somewhat of a crazy schedule but we can at least get out of the house to help pass the time before Dad gets home.  Today Tim stayed home with Jonah (he was post-call) so I could go to my morning bible study, OB appt, and ultrasound, oh and take a very much needed nap!!  The baby is growing at a consistent rate, still small, but the doctor was so reassuring that all things are normal.  Praise God!  I think I can feel the swing back in my step.  I think that is how you say that!:)

A beautiful day at the park.  The weather was nice for a few days and we were able to get outside and play!

Making progress by getting rid of all bottles except one at night!!  And Jonah was drinking it out of a sippy cup.  That is why we have been giving him the bottle.  We must be done with all bottles before baby comes!

 Pretty busy with arts and crafts at our music and arts day.  This is the first time he was really interested in the arts part of it!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are back to normal and Jonah is feeling better! :)
