I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Getting Back Into It

Well it's been seven weeks since we had our sweet Ellie Catherine and said goodbye to her all in the same week.  I decided I wanted to get back into blogging because I still want to see the good side of life, I still want to smile and acknowledge all that I am thankful for, and I still want to keep moving forward.  As you have noticed before my blog is pretty much about my most favorite little boy on this planet, Jonah.  I have never been one that likes to journal or really go too deep.  I am just not really a dramatic person or full of great emotion but these past weeks and made me go deep and express myself more that I have ever wanted to.  Everyday is a new challenge as I continue to face fears of seeing moms' with their little girls, pregnant women, families with lots of healthy children running around.  Though I may look like I have it together, there is still a sting deep down and a fresh scab that is still there but getting better everyday.  I have to keep looking at the things that God has blessed me with and know though we have gone through a hardship we have many many things to be thankful for.  And everyday throughout the day I remind myself more than once that though I want my little girl here with me, she is in heaven so beautiful and perfect and that can always make me smile.

We were able to make it to one of the Easter services.  It felt good to worship and most importantly remember why Tim and I have made it this far.  Because our Heavenly Father gave his son to die for our sins because he loves us that much, and his Son rose again so that we may have eternal life.  He is sad when we are sad and carries our brudens with him and we can cry and say all we want to him and he listens and loves us.  One of the songs we sang in church has such amazing lyrics, I bawled through the whole song because I can't get out of my mind how heaven is so much more real to me and because of my precious Ellie I have such a deep deep longing for it now.  It's called Cornerstone, by Hillsong.  Please please click on the link and just listen to the words.  Happy Easter everyone and here are some pictures of a very very special little girl named Ellie Catherine.



  1. "May God fill you with all hope as you trust in Him." We love you Amy. :) ~Maddie

  2. Amy, You have been in my prayers! Thank you for sharing your heart with us and being Real. And allowing us all to journey with you as you continue to heal from saying goodbye to sweet Ellie! I am thankful that the Lord has brought you this far. You are a true testament to His grace and love!
    Love to you, Tim, Jonah and angel Ellie!

  3. Oh man Amy, this is too much. I love little Ellie. She is so perfect. I can't wait to meet her one day.
