I'm a happy RN married to a hardworking resident. We have recently become Carolina fans and are adding the color "carolina" blue to our wardrobe and home. I love the east coast and couldn't be happier living in hot, sticky climate. I was raised on a farm/ranch with two wonderful parents and three fun loving older sisters. I went to a one room country school house down the dusty dirt road with grand total of three in my class. Life in the country was rich, meaningful, and simple, just the way I like it. So from country farmgirl to coastal bell, here I am, living life and loving it!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Outer Banks the End

Our last day in Duck was spent at the beach.  The weather warmed up a bit on Sunday so we were able to go on walks, tour the town, and spend most of our day at the beach.  There were lots of people on the beach but no one in the water.  It was nice having a warm day and not getting burnt to a crisp or have to worry about the little ones getting too much sun.  Lillia played in the sand the whole time, Jonah played with an older boy and ran around, and Tim and Mark flew the kite.  We played a little football, volleyball and enjoyed each others company!

Ready for the beach!!!

Loved flying the kite with Dad. This was such a sweet shot I am so happy I got!

This little boy was enjoying playing with Jonah and Jonah was so intrigued with him.  Jonah did not want to sit and play in the sand.  He ran all around the beach non-stop.

The crew

This is Julie's first time to fly a kite.  Yes, you heard me right.  So we of course had to get a picture.  Oh those Canadians!!!

Lillia loved the sand.  She sat the whole time we were there and just played with all her sand toys, so sweet.

Tim was playing this little game with Jonah in the stroller.  Tim would bounce him and bring him down and Jonah was loving it.

We wanted to stop at this seafood store on our back from Duck last year, but Jonah was sleeping and we didn't want to wake him.  Well this time he was awake so we got to stop!!  We purchased some yummy shrimp, scallops, and flounder.  And ate lunch here out the little food truck on the side of the road.  The food was amazing and Jonah was happy for a little break from the car.  He was liking his sunglasses so we had to get some pictures.


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